"Soon to be Parents!!! Just landed in China."
(not looking our best!)
"A Crib and a stroller in our hotel room, this made it even more real!"
It was just 4 years ago today that we landed in China for AbbyLiz. We settled into a hotel in Guangzhou for just a few hours then took flight to Hefei City to meet our beautiful daughter. It is a special time for our family this weekend! Tomorrow is our GOTCHA DAY :) !!!!
4 years ??? Where does the time go? Sometimes it seems like minutes, some times A LOT longer. I am so proud and honored to be Abby's Mom. And I know Dad is proud too! She has brought so much joy to our lives in four short years, it's hard to remember a time without her.
Today, I think of the anxiety I felt that night in Hefei, the fear of the unknown. How hard it was to sleep that night knowing our daughter was waking early to take her journey.
I'll save the details for this weekends blog :)