Monday, March 31, 2008

A local hero found

Matt Maupin was captured in Iraq on April 9, 2004. Until today he was the only unidentified captive of this current war. Today his family got word that his body has been found. It is a sad story that we have been following since we moved to Ohio, Matt is from this area and his family is still here.
Our prayers go out to his family and friends. His parents have been all over the news and seem so peaceful. They have been missing their son for as long as we have known of Abby, I could not imagine thier pains and loss.
After all this time, they are now able to put their son to rest. Our hearts go out to Matt. He is finally coming home.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I just stumbled onto your blog from another Thai adoption blog for the first time.

I live around Richmond, Indiana and we've been following the story of Matt rather closely here, of course. I was so sad to see on the national news the other morning that it came to an end. I feel so sorry for his family and what they have endured all this time. I hope now that they can find some closure and know that he was a true hero!